The Ashen Forgeworks

Military Surplus and Engineering

Welcome to The Ashen Forgeworks, the commerical outlet of the Ashen Mercenary Company of Uldum. Below you will find catalogued a variety of ware of our own design and creation, from surplus equipment tested in battle to devices fresh-forged for use at home and in the field. We thank you for your patronage, and hope you enjoy our products.

Surplus Equipment

Battle-tested and hardened, these items are drawn from the stocks originally intended for our own field use. We pride ourselves on the quality of our equipment, and none of that quality is missing in these items.

Backpack - 70 silverDurable, relatively lightweight, and capable of containing 65 liters of material internally. Perfect for carrying supplies and equipment for extended travel and missions.
Entrenching Tool - 25 silver
A small shovel with a wooden handle and a folding blade for portability, for use in the digging of pits and the construction of earthworks.
Flashlight - 30 silver
A reliable and surprisingly compact electric light source, powered by batteries contained within the grip. Compatible with most batteries of the correct size.
Mess Kit - 20 silver
A metal kit composed of a pot for cooking, a smaller pot that doubles as a bowl, and a plate that serves as a lid. Resilient, lightweight, and stackable to save space.
Canteen - 15 silver
A simple, 1.5 liter metal canteen. Comes with an attachment point for belts and bags.
Fire Lighting Kit - 10 silver
A weather-resistant tin containing a firesteel, striker, tinder, and 5 wax-sealed matches.
Rope - 1 silver 50 copper per meter
A coil of strong, durable rope resistant to environmental damage. Useful for securing equipment, traversing difficult terrain, and assembling shelters among other uses.
Sleeping Bag - 65 silver
A hard-wearing sleeping bag of densely woven animal fibre, resistant to both water and wind. Comes with a carrying bag and a removable fur liner, for especially cold climates.
Cold Weather Clothing:
Coat with mittens - 90 silver
Trousers - 80 silver
Manufactured of the same densely woven animal fibre and fur lining used in the sleeping bag, providing excellent insulation and weather resistance for the harshest of cold climates.
Boots - 1 gold
Laced boots, made from leather of either goats or a form of cattle. Once broken in, these boots will remain comfortable and sturdy for many years of use. An essential piece of equipment for anyone planning on long travels. Resistant to weather, including frost.
1 person - 50 silver
2 person - 1 gold
5 person - 1 gold 60 silver
Water, wind, and frostproof. Meant for individuals and teams on extended missions, Ashen tents are designed to be relatively lightweight and hardwearing. As such they are suitable for most climates, though they can be damaged by extreme weather without proper placement and preperation. Comes with a carrying bag, and can be split into multiple bags to spread the weight of larger models.

Tools and Devices

Research and development have been a core part of the Ashen since its inception. Listed here are a selection of our innovations that we are proud to offer, alongside the tools for their construction and maintenance.

ComissionsThe Ashen Forgeworks are happy to accept comissions for engineering works, both mundane and magical, of all sizes. From the most diminuitive of gadgets to vehicles or machines both large and complex, we are happy to take most requests for the right price.-
Gas Mask (Standard Filter) - 1 gold 65 silver
Replacement filter - 40 silver
A full face sealed mask offering protection against airborne chemical and biological hazards, including particulates. To ensure safety and comfort, the size of the mask can be adjusted with the straps; variations for different species' head shapes are available. Filters must be replaced every 8 hours to maintain efficacy. A useful precaution for hazardous industrial work, and essential for operating in or travelling through contaminated areas.Note - standard filters are not rated to protect against non-particulate magical hazards.
Arcane Respirator - 1 gold 90 silver
A half-face respirator covering the mouth and nose, the Arcane Respirator transmutes materials passing through the intake into breathable air. This permits breathing in environments without breathable air, such as underwater or in low-oxygen atmospheres. The Respirator is powered by an arcane cell, which can provide power for several days of use before replacement.A secondary port permits the connection of a backup air supply, to be used should the arcane components fail due to wear or antimagical influence. A small emergency air supply, containing ten minutes of air, is included with your purchase.Note - arcane components will not function in a vacuum, as they rely on transmution to produce air.
UC(g)-M Maintenance Construct - 2 gold 5 silver
A ten inch long, monoeyed scarab construct, with pincers and mounts for tools on its mandibles and front legs. Equipped with a simple construct core as standard, the UC(g)-M is individually capable of performing basic chores; the cleanings of walls, floors, ceilings, and the retrieval of objects among other tasks. The UC(g)-M is an indispensible tool for anyone looking to ease the burden of chores, and one that is easy for anyone to maintain thanks to its simple construction and minimal usage of magical components.For those with more complex needs, multiple UC(g)-M units can network using their Shadow-based psionic communication system. Able to share processing power, these networks are able to perform more complex tasks such as construction and maintenance. This makes a 'swarm' an excellent companion to any engineer or builder, especially when working in difficult to reach areas.
Ku Relay Civilian Communicator - 90 silver
A palm-sized disc of metal, containing a set of four purple crystals around a central, primary crystal. Manipulated using a simple holographic interface, the Ku Relay Communicator can transmit a text or audio message anywhere on Azeroth; simply input the details of the recieving device, and record your message. Encoded in pulses of psionic Shadow energy using the same relay infrastructure the Ashen use during missions, the reliability and safety of your conversations is guaranteed.
Psionic Ward - 1 gold 5 silver
Taking the form of a metal octagonal prism, some two inches wide, this device can be worn as a badge, brooch, or as an amulet on a necklace. Contained within is a mechanism that generates a psionic shield around the user, protecting against unwanted mental influences. This device has been calibrated to be especially effective at negating Void and Shadow based attempts at mental manipulation or assault; it must be noted that this device will burn out if subjected to prolonged, high intensity mental assaults.
Portable Revelite Stove - 40 silver
Compact enough to fit in a backpack and powered by a revelite crystal, this device can be used for both cooking and heating. Thanks to its potent power source, this stove is capable of operating for extensive periods without the need for fuel. Combined with the lack of smoke produced, this device is perfect for heating or cooking in a tent or cabin while travelling.
Arcane and Revelite Power Cells - 30 silver
All-purpose power cells, compatible with all powered items sold by this shop. These power cells can also be used to provide energy to other devices that can accept their output.
Whetstone - 10 silver
A small and simple whetstone, for sharpening the blades of weapons and tools by hand.
Basic Tool Set - 30 silver
Contents - claw hammer, screwdriver, hex key set, adjustable spanner, tape measure, pliers.
A basic tool set in a carrying bag. Relatively compact and perfect for most simple construction and maintenance work.
Complete Tool Set - 70 silver
Contents - claw hammer, selection of screwdrivers of various size, adjustable spanner, selection of ring spanners, hex key set, ratchet wrench and sockets, selection of pliers, small hand saw, tape measure.
A full set of tools in a large carrying case. Though bulky, this set contains items for near any issue of construction or repair you are likely to encounter.
Firearm Maintenance Kit - 40 silver
Contents - bore brush, rod, cleaning fluid, lubricating oil, cloth, disassembly tool.
A complete set of tools and cleaning supplies for the maintenance of any conventional firearm. Comes in a wooden box small enough to fit into a large belt pouch.


Forged on the principles of reliability and ease of use, Ashen weaponry has been tested against everything from banditry to the eldritch minions of the Black Empire. Emerging from the fires every time, you can trust that these items will never fail you in the heat of battle.

Comissions and CustomisationsAll items listed here are sold in stock configurations. Additional upgrades or decorations can be requested at additional cost. Specific items not listed here, such as non-standard weapons or armour, can also be requested by comission.
Combat Knife - 40 silver
A 13" simple, single edged combat knife of high quality steel. Designed for versatility, this knife is as useful as a utility tool as it is for fighting.
Shortsword - 1 gold 90 silver
Based on Human sword designs, this one-handed sword possesses a steel blade suitable for both cuts and thrusts, as well as a cruciform guard to protect the hands. Ideal for use in confined spaces where long blades are too unwieldy, as a backup weapon at close range, or for casual wear as a self defense weapon.
P-33 Pistol - 2 gold 33 silver
A six shot revolver chambered in a powerful cartridge. A no-nonsense design needing minimal maintenance, this pistol delivers a short-range punch that will give pause to most foes without excessive recoil. Ideal as a backup weapon, engagements at short ranges or in close quarters, and for use alongside another one-handed weapon.
R-33 Rifle - 3 gold 30 silver
A venerable 5 shot bolt action design that has faithfully served the Ashen since its earliest days, the R-33 is an elegantly simple amalgamation of wood and steel based on Draenic and Gnomish designs. Powerful, accurate at long range, and simple to maintain, this rifle will serve you just as well as it has served us against even the worst horrors the world has sent our way.
Sh-34 Shotgun - 3 gold 90 silver
A powerful 12 gauge shotgun designed around an experimental pump action mechaism, the Sh-34 can dispense a full 5 shells in short order before needing to reload. Such an eviscerating barrage of short-range firepower is only augmented by its versatility; this weapon can fire most anything that will fit inside a shotgun shell. Rapidly becoming a firm favourite among our veterans for its versatility and close quarters power, the Sh-34 can offer an answer to almost any target you may come across.


Made to tried, tested, and standardised designs, the Ashen Forgeworks guarantees consistent performance across its range of cartridges and other projectile ammunition. The same designs are used to supply our own forces, so you can rest assured they wont fail you in the heat of battle.

.357 Magnum Cartridge - 50 copper
Box of 30 - 15 silver
8mm Rifle Cartridge - 90 copper
Box of 30 - 27 silver
12 Gauge Shotgun Shell - 33 copper
Box of 30 - 10 silver
Steel Arrow - 1 silver
Sheaf of 24 - 24 silver

Weapon Attachments

Made to personalise and specialise weaponry, these devices will allow you to expand or improve the functionality of your equipment. With no two soldiers or targets exactly the same, these customisations help your weapon adapt to any situation.

Bayonet - 50 silverA 15" single edged knife bayonet, made of high quality steel. Fitted with a muzzle ring and a connector for attaching to a bayonet lug, providing a strong and reliable connection that doesn't affect accuracy as greatly as models with only a muzzle ring. This design can be detached from the weapon and used as a long combat knife, thanks to its edged design. Comes with a bayonet scabbard.
Op-1.5-37 Optical Sight - 80 silver
A small and light 1.5x magnification scope, designed for use by designated marksmen. Built for sharpshooting over true long range sniping, this scope provides a significant increase in medium range accuracy and precision without being cumbersome at shorter ranges or while on the move.
Op-4/10-36 Optical Sight - 2 gold 10 silver
A true sniper scope providing magnification between 4x and 10x, this design is specialised first and foremost for long range precision. Designed for skilled dedicated snipers and other long range shooters, this larger scope is best for those expecting to engage a target from great distance with time to properly aim and make every shot count.
Anti-Air Ironsight - 60 silver
A modification for standard rifle ironsights, designed for firing at low flying aerial targets. This model features a ladder aperture sight with markings calibrated for altitude instead of distance, with a pair of calipers that open to the left and right with markings for judging the airspeed of a target. This attachment does not interere with the normal ironsights of the weapon when used for ground targets.

Medical Equipment

With injury and illness an ever present concern in the field, the Ashen have put considerable effort into developing medical technology to meet the challenge. Listed here are some of our solutions, from standard issue medical supplies to unique developments found nowhere else.

Regeneration Serum:
Small vial (5 doses) - 5 silver
Standard vial (10 doses) - 10 silver
The pioneering medical technology of the Ashen, Regeneration Serum is a magically inert yellowish substance derived from the Aqir that disinfects, reduces pain, and dramatically accelerates healing all in one. While not as effective as healing magic, this Serum is an excellent alternative and has saved many lives. Most effective when applied topically fresh from the vial, this serum can also be impregnated into bandages and other materials for faster application.
Individual Medical Kit - 12 silver
Contents - 2x serum-impregnated wound coverings, small regeneration serum vial, painkiller syrette, 2x water purification tablet.
The medical kit issued to regular Ashen soldiers, this pouch-sized package contains supplies for the field stabilization of wounds. Small by design, this kit is not cumbersome though can only treat a small number of injuries before being exhausted.
Full Medical Kit - 30 silver
Contents - 5 regeneration serum-impregnated bandage rolls, scissors, 2 regeneration serum vials, 10x painkiller syrettes, 10x water purification tablets, safety pins, surgical thread and needle.
A fully equipped medical kit issued to Ashen field medics. Stored in a carrying bag, this kit is substantially bulkier than the individual variant but can treat injuries both greater in number and severity before becoming exhausted. Effective both in the field and at treatment center, this equipment has saved many lives among the Ashen.

Additional Services

Maps - 10 silver per regionAn essential tool either for travel or battle, the Ashen strive to keep their maps up to date and at high quality. Ashen maps are topographical, giving high detail information about elevation and terrain type, in addition to having roads, settlements, and notable landmarks marked.Repairs:The Ashen Forgeworks are happy to perform and assist in repairs of items, whether from us or other suppliers. While most skilled in handling mundane, arcane, and Shadow related equipment, we are able to perform repairs on most pieces of equipment or technology.